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PRIVATE landholders

Do you have land in the Daintree area that you have always wanted to plant back to rainforest, but don't have the money or means to achieve it? We can help. Our aim is simply to plant trees in the area by raising funds to achieve the goal. This means that you as the landholder get to have or increase wildlife-attracting rainforest on your property, and it will not cost you anything financially. A win for both the environment and for you.

Green Mountain

“Man shapes himself through decisions that shape his environment.”

- Rene Dubos



Simply contact us by any of the means below, and we will come out to your property, talk to, look at and map the area to be planted (including planning - such as you may wish for a walkway through the forest), calculate work, species and total trees needed, and then raise the necessary funds and plant trees. Throughout the process, you can choose your own level of involvement. For instance, you may wish to help prep the land, promote a fundraiser, involve your family and friends as a community planting once ready to go, or simply leave it all to us. The choice is yours, and the end result is trees in the ground.



Phone: 07 4098 9056

Mail: 73 Cedar Road. Cow Bay. QLD 4873. Australia.




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