Frequently asked questions.
On this page, we have listed some questions and answers to those questions either already asked or likely to be asked in the future - both by talking with locals and from visitors to this site. As the project progresses, we will regularly update and add more questions and answers as you ask them.

“What did the tree learn from the earth to be able to talk with the sky?”
- Pablo Neruda
How will this project benefit the Daintree region?
Answer > > >
With a projected planting of tens of thousands of trees, the project will add around many hectares of habitat to the National Park and adjacent areas, increase wildlife food resource, improve the visitor experience for tourism, create local employment opportunities, reduce slashing and herbicide use by our local council, and expand production at our local nurseries.
What will this cost local ratepayers?
Answer > > >
The short answer is nothing, in fact, it may even put downward pressure on rate rises. The whole project will be funded via donations, crowd-funding, grants, and corporate sponsorship, meaning no funding is required by local ratepayers.
I am a local homeowner or business. How will this planting affect me?
Answer > > >
The whole planting footprint is divided into hundreds of smaller areas. As each section is mapped and planned for, any homeowners or business in that area will be fully consulted with. This means that if you have a potential planting area in front of or adjacent to your property, it will be planted if you want it to - or not planted if that is your wish.
I think this project is great - how can I help?
Answer > > >
There are many ways you can help. You can make a one-off donation, donate in place of floral tributes, talk to us about planting trees in memory of loved ones or set up a recurring weekly or monthly payment via your bank. If you live locally, there is another very practical thing you can do - come along and plant trees with us. Various options are listed here
I have a property in the area that I would like to revegetate. Can you help me?
Answer > > >
That is a core part of our project. Many people have cleared land they would like to revegetate, but may not have the money or physical resource to achieve this - but we do. Just contact us via email or phone to arrange a visit. We can look at your land, calculate trees required, and together or in conjunction with external partners, we can make this happen for you.
I would like to donate $50 for 5 trees. How much of this money actually goes for trees?
Answer > > >
All of it. Every $12.50 grows, plants, and maintains a tree. Wages, costs, and overhead are all taken into account with that figure. This means that if you donate $12.50 for one tree, $62.50 for 5 trees or $625 for 50 trees, one, five, or fifty trees (respectively) will be grown, planted and maintained for you in the Daintree region.
Will planting roadside reserve cause an increase in Cassowary fatalities in the area?
Answer > > >
We think that highly unlikely. Automobile fatalities are far lower in the Daintree than areas like Mission Beach, due to speed humps, signage, and local and visitor awareness. Unlike some past plantings, our guidelines state that we cannot plant right up to the road edges. Data obtained from WTMA shows tall weedy areas may conceal Cassowaries more than trees.
Will planting roadside reserves cause road closure or disruption in the Daintree?
Answer > > >
Very unlikely. We are planting roadside reserve, using safe pullover areas. Guidelines state that unless planting right to the road, traffic control and lane closure is not necessary. Any planting planned for narrower areas will be timed to coincide with very low traffic volume via road or ferry loading or unloading. This means planting early morning and outside tourist season.
You are planting trees in the Daintree. Aren't there enough trees already?
Answer > > >
At first glance, you could say yes, but back in the 1980s, land was cleared and subdivided for a development which never fully arose. This left many cleared areas and unused service roads which can be revegetated with rainforest. Also, so little original Australian rainforest remains that any increase of total area is of significant benefit to both wildlife and tourism.
I am a private landholder and would love to revegetate part of my land. Can you help?
Answer > > >
If you are in the Daintree region - yes we can. Simply contact us and we will come out to your property, talk to, look at and map the area to be planted, calculate work, species and total trees needed, and then raise the necessary funds and plant trees. Throughout the process, you can choose your own level of involvement with the project. Find out more here