On this page, we have put a selection of useful or interesting links for stakeholders, partners, other environmental organisations, and similar sites of general interest. This page will be updated often and if you would like to be considered for inclusion, just contact us via email at:

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.”
- John Muir
Douglas Shire Council

Located in the Tropics of Australia, Douglas Shire is the only place in the world with two adjoining World Heritage listed areas: the Great Barrier Reef and the Wet Tropics – which includes the ancient rainforest of the Daintree.
Terrain NRM

Terrain NRM is a NFP organisation that works with the Wet Tropics community to promote sustainable use of land and waterways, protect environmental values and support healthy, productive and viable communities.
Jabalbina Aboriginal Corporation
"Yalanjiwarra muruku junkurrjimaka bamangka bubuku" Yalanji people stand strong together for our people and our land.
ReForest Now

ReForest Now is a Not-For-Profit initiated in 2018 with plans to reforest large tracts of the rainforests in the Byron Shire in Northern New South Wales and the Daintree in Far North Queensland.
Walkabout Cultural Adventures

Enjoy a day with a local Aboriginal guide exploring the local Kuku Yalanji country, the world heritage listed Daintree rainforest, the diverse environments of tropical North Queensland and cultural connection the people have with the land.
Wet Tropics Management Authority

Our mission is to lead, inspire, advise and support the Australian and global community to protect and share the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area in perpetuity.
Data Science
Data Science Programs provide reliable information and expert recommendations for educational and career pathways in data science, data analytics, and business analytics.